2020年2月4日 国家市场监督管理总局
Impact on amfori activities
- Certain monitoring activities in the region have been cancelled or postponed in agreement with the auditing companies and RSP holders. As per the Chinese Government’s official announcement recommendation, amfori will extend the audit validity of affected producers for three more months following the end of the outbreak.
Recommendations for amfori members
- Follow up closely with your local producers to evaluate the potential impact that the outbreak may have in operations and in order to prepare a contingency plan, should it be needed.
- In the event that:
A full audit is approaching its expiry date and a follow up audit needs to be requested, or
An audit cycle is approaching its expiry date
We recommend the RSP holder:
To contact the auditing company to confirm whether the audit can be scheduled or not. If the auditing company confirms the audit cannot be conducted, and the audit comes to expiration, the audit expiry date can be extended by 3 months. The extension will not be visible on the amfori BSCI platform, but will be applicable within the audit request screen.
In order to keep the RSP, the member can therefore request an audit for a future date. It is highly recommended to contact the producer and auditing company for more information and agree on the future time windows. You can make use of the field “instructions for auditor” under the Auditor Information section in the audit request screen to further communicate with the auditing company.
- Follow the World Health Organization (WHO) for the latest updates and recommendations.
- Access our FAQ for more information. Should you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
说明: 官方针对目前中国区域疫情影响情况,BSCI官方将疫情影响的区域有效期延长了3个月。至于如何确认延长3个月后如何安排跟进审核,需要RSP客户和第三方审核机构进行沟通确认即可。
与审核公司联系以确认是否可以安排审核。如果审计公司确认无法进行审计,并且审计到期,则可以将审计有效期延长3个月。该扩展名在amfori BSCI平台上不可见,但是将在审核请求中适用。